

  • ルールエンジン。JBoss Rules のコミュニティ版が Drools 5.0 となっている。



A note on remote HTTP Url Resources: if your knowledge agent is "pulling" resources from a http(s) URL, then you might rightly be concerned if that resource (remote web server) suddenly disappears. To survive a restart when a resource is no longer available remotely (eg the remote server is being restarted) then you can set a System Property: drools.resource.urlcache to a directory that has write permissions for the application: the Knowledge Agent will cache copies of the remote resources in that local directory.

For example, using the java command line: -Ddrools.resource.urlcache=/users/someone/KnowledgeCache - will keep local copies of the resources (rules, packages etc) in that directory, for the agent to use should it be restarted (when a remote resource becomes available, and is updated, it will automatically update the local cache copy).